About Me and My Fantasmic Blog

*Sits down at Disney Addicts Anonymous meeting*

My name is Kayla, and I am a Disney Addict.

Everyone say "Hi Kayla."

Anyways, I'm 24, and a full time college student studying to be a paralegal. I'm also an avid Disney collector, an artist, a Disney College Program Alumni, a bookworm, a gamer, and just a general all around geek. I like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Firefly, crafting, cooking, minecraft and Guildwars. That's just scratching the surface of me. I live with my boyfriend as well as some other awesome people.

I'm going to talk about Disney on here. A lot. So if you don't like that sort of thing, this is the wrong place to be. You might want to click away and go on to some other blog (I hear The Allergy Friendly Epicurean is nice). Just want to let you know, though. You'll be missing out on some great posts if you do. I don't only discuss Disney (we'll get to that in a moment.). Maybe you can stick around long enough to see what else I might cover.

If you do like Disney, great! I'm glad to have you. Hopefully we'll get along nicely in our adventures together. There'll be lots of entertaining, thoughtful, and even downright goofy posts. We'll talk light-heartedly about everything from the movies, the parks, the shows, down to the nitty gritty stuff like reviews, collections, and formats (I have a spreadsheet, prepare to be wowed).

Now that being said, while I like love Disney a lot, It's not the only thing I do. See that list of things in the paragraph about me? There's a lot of stuff there, and I aim to misbehave. Occasionally, I'm going to talk about that, or other aspects of my life (see non-Disney people, I told you that you should stick around). Don't worry, this will be mostly Disney, there's a lot to cover, and I doubt I'll run out of reviews or topics but occasionally I will diverge.

Hope y'all can forgive me for that.

So take a seat, relax, and enjoy the ride. It's gonna be a blast!

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