Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Start of Something New

The toughest thing about setting up this blog has been getting started. No more excuses, gotta get my head in the game, and jump in.

So Disney. Most people have grown up with this company, whether watching the classic animation, the live action shows, or going to the parks on vacation. It's a wonderful magical company that tries to bring joy through all sorts of media. Some people love it, some people hate it, but almost everyone knows about it.

Why blog about Disney? For starters, because I can. To go into detail though, I grew up watching the classic Disney movies. I got to see a lot of the animated ones in theaters. I know the songs, I've even worked there. This is something I know and care about. I want to share what I know with those who care too.

Along the way, I'm going to review the vast collection of Disney movies I have. I'll talk about the different formats that a movie is in, and keep my readers up to date on my collection status. We'll go through the T.V. shows, and if I can get a copy, the older movies. I'll let you know about Disney news, and even go off topic a bit to focus on non-Disney subjects.

I'm looking forward to feedback, ideas, and interaction with the public. So share with friends, like posts if you agree, and debate in the comments if you don't. I only have one question for you before we start on this magic carpet ride.

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